2023 Annual General Meeting Review

The second Club AGM was held at the British Motor Museum on Saturday 4th March 2023. The museum itself is a fantastic modern venue with first-class conference facilities. The vehicle collection includes commercial and racing examples through the early part of the last century to the present. Our club entry fee equated to £10.00 per head which was great value.

In total we had nineteen members and three non-members on the day providing a great opportunity to meet up face to face and review the current progress of the Club. Four members had kindly brought their Cyclekarts to the venue, three of which were displayed in the conference room and proved an excellent focus for conversation and reference. It was particularly good to see Glynn’s Austin inspired Cyclekart finished and looking great.

Stefan Nahajski chaired the AGM and reviewed progress of the newly-formed club over the past twelve months. Thanks to the input of all committee members with regularly held meetings, the visible progress made was exceptional. Member numbers are growing (currently 30), and the current reserve funds are healthy and we continue to be welcomed at a variety of new meeting venues. One recent fantastic development is the affliation of the Club with ‘NORA Motorsport’ giving us insurance to attend existing and new venues and formal motorsport permits for club-run events.

One committee member deservedly singled out was Andy Boulton for the incredible work put into the new website and promotional material. This was formally recognised by the annual handover of the ‘Stan Cup’ from Jim Tanner to Andy at the AGM.

Committee member voting took place resulting in five existing members retaining their posts and two new associates engaged to assist (Jim Rawnsley and Mark Underdown). Sadly, Andy Boulton formally stood-down from the committee due to other commitments, however he will still be very much involved in the club.

After the formal AGM, the meeting focussed on builders’ topics including the perennial discussion on ‘wheels’ and ‘springs’. Mark Underdown displayed his shop-made bespoke springs which he is now selling through the Club and on eBay for anyone interested. These are generously produced ‘at cost’ by Mark for the benefit of the hobby. Please contact the club for any further information.

Everybody had a ‘smashing day out’. Here’s looking forward to the next twelve months.

Words: Graham Hill
Pics: Marek Nahajski / Chris Loader


CKGB at the VSCC Silverstone Spring Start


CKGB AGM Meeting - 4th March