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Andy Boulton Andy Boulton

Prepping the track at the Star & Garter GP

With the first ever full CKGB hosted event looming, event organiser Captain Jim Tanner asked if a few of us could lend a hand with marking out the track to ensure that we are all ready for the great GP event that is at the Star & Garter Pub in Chelveston on the 11th June 2023.

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Andy Boulton Andy Boulton

CKGB - Stretton Circuit Meeting Review 3rd May 2023

We had a stable of twelve lovingly prepared Cyclekarts roll up to Stretton Circuit early on the day. Those that were uber-keen had arrived the night before. The weather shined upon us throughout, keeping spirits buoyed and balding heads warm.

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Andy Boulton Andy Boulton

CKGB at the VSCC Silverstone Spring Start

We were allocated race garage 12D, right at the Scrutineering end of the paddock. This ensured a steady stream of cars and visitors passing us. The weather was kind to us all day, so we lined up the cyclekarts outside and they looked splendid as they glinted in the sun. Jim had made a stand for the club banner and various people had brought props and period costumes that added to the effect.

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Andy Boulton Andy Boulton

2023 Annual General Meeting Review

In total we had nineteen members and three non-members on the day providing a great opportunity to meet up face to face and review the current progress of the Club. Four members had kindly brought their Cyclekarts to the venue, three of which were displayed in the conference room and proved an excellent focus for conversation and reference.

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Andy Boulton Andy Boulton

CKGB AGM Meeting - 4th March

Our Second gathering of 2023 is our AGM at The British Motor Museum, Gaydon. Come along and learn about the Club and how to build an eligible CKGB spec Kart. Members can contribute and learn how to help grow our community, whilst everyone chats all things Cyclekarts - We look forward to welcoming and speaking with you all. Team CKGB :)

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Andy Boulton Andy Boulton

CKGB Online Builders Meeting - 01

Our first event of 2023!! we are kicking off with an online gathering of Members and enthusiasts to chat about all things Cyclekarts and how to build an eligible CKGB spec Kart - we look forward to welcoming and speaking with you all. Team CKGB :)

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Andy Boulton Andy Boulton

We have a World Champion!

In 2022 Chris Loader, Loader, Loader, was crowned the “World Champion” after what can only be described as a truly worthy win as he has literally driven up and down the country to attend pretty much every event on the calendar - well done that man!! We asked Chris to reflect on the season and his achievement.

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Andy Boulton Andy Boulton

CKGB featured in AutoCar

After a truly memorable experience down on the North Devon golden sand, we only go and get into the 12th October edition of Autocar!

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Andy Boulton Andy Boulton

Lundy Flyers -1 mile of sand and 1000 smiles per hour!

The Lundy Flyers Motor Club invited the CKGB to their Golden Mile Beach Race held on the 3rd and 4th of September 2022 at Saunton Sands. We hadn’t been to this event before so a couple of us went down on the Thursday to check it out and get a feel of the format.

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