1914 Peugeot L45 Grand Prix No 58A.

Running gear is all pretty standard for a UK CycleKart, however the engine is located below and forward of the rear axle to help with handling.

The Inspiration Car

The original Peugeot L45 is distinctive in shape, with a covered spare wheel carried vertically behind the rear wheels. This is the basis for the inspiration of the CycleKart, with many art-deco accents added, resulting in something that is hopefully unique in style whilst reflecting general race cars from the pre-war era.

The Chassis

The chassis is the typical 75 x 25 hollow steel section. It is a pre-built 'Brooklands', originally purchased from 'CycleKarts UK' in 2018 but with many subsequent modifications.

The Body

The body is a mixture of shaped aluminium and 'fibreglass continuous flat sheet', (used by roofers).

Running Gear & Engine choice

Running gear is all pretty standard for a UK Cyclekart, however the engine is located below and forward of the rear axle to help with handling.

How long did it take to build?

I collected most components over several years. I started the build with with a ready-made chassis which took a week to modify for wheelbase and engine mounting. In total it was completed in 5 weeks. The whole build was done on trestles, planks and paste up tables as my workshop is not finished yet. It just goes to show you don’t need more than the basics to build a Cyclekart but it was annoying loosing nuts and bolts in the gravel!!.

What’s the least and most favourite part of the build?

This is my second Cyclekart. I always enjoy the design and construction challenges that present themselves as the build progresses. I do not bother with full scale plans, preferring instead to shoe-horn myself and everything else in as it goes along.

The Little details

I personally interpret the construction of Cyclekarts as an art-form, affording the opportunity for deviation and creativity. Not everybody agrees, but there is plenty of room within the hobby for everybody.

How does it drive?

I was determined to keep this second Cyclekart 'light and low'. The placement of the engine forward of the rear axle has resulted in a very satisfying drive.

Ongoing changes and tweaks

It would benefit from a slightly better paint-job, but Cyclekarts are not show-cars, they are meant to be driven and have fun. All is fine for now.